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One week. Together.
To make sense of the
defining crisis of our time.
To get ready for the
defining adventure of our time.

The environment is breaking down and the climate is changing rapidly. The Week is a group experience to help us see what’s coming and what we can do about it.

Is The Week for me?

Recently, it’s been hard not to notice how fast the climate is changing. Experts say it will get worse really rapidly. The Week is for those of us who want to know

  • how this will affect us, in the next 10, 20 or 30 years
  • and what we can do about it.
Too often, this issue feels abstract and overwhelming. The Week is a way to engage this issue, for real, with our friends, family or colleagues. It doesn’t tell us what to do, but empowers us to make up our own minds. So that we can say down the line: I knew what I needed to know, I did what I need to do and I have no regrets.

What is The Week?

A group experience

Don’t do The Week alone. It’s an experience you do with friends, family or a group of colleagues. Because it’s helpful  to engage with a topic as big as the climate crisis with a small group of people you know, and not be on your own.

3 episodes & conversations

You get together 3 times, during a week (hence “The Week”). Every time you watch a 1 hour documentary film episode. And then the heart of the experience:  a guided conversation for 30 minutes (or more if you want) to make sense of it all.

A ”U”-shaped journey

Be prepared for a ride! It’s shaped like a “U”. Episode 1 is the hard one where we go down the “U” and look straight at what’s coming, without blinking. In episode 2, we make sense of it all.  And episode 3 gets us up the “U”, it’s empowering and inspiring.

No polar bears

We won’t be talking about polar bears or ice sheets melting. The Week is about what is likely to happen to us and the people we love, in the next 10, 20 or 30 years, in parts of North America and Europe. And what we can realistically do about it.

Be ready for a unique climate experience!

Thousands of people have already done The Week and they keep telling us what a memorable experience it is! At first, it’s hard, but then it becomes incredibly empowering. The conversation are the heart of this experience, and many groups feel like it’s brought them closer together.
It’s such a profound experience that the first thing many people do, after they’ve been through The Week, is to set up another session to share it with more friends and colleagues.
let's go

It's easy to organize

Organizing a session of The Week is easy. All you need to do is pick the 3 times you’ll meet and choose the group of people you want to invite. We’ll provide you with the links to watch the movies – in person or by videoconference if you are not all in the same place. We’ll help you kick-start the conversation after each film episode with a short video instruction. Click here if you want to know more about what it’s like to organize a session.

How much does The Week cost?

It’s free if you organize it at home, in your school or with other community groups (donations are welcome).

There is a small fee of $/£/€20 per participant if you use it in the workplace. The donations and fees help us bring The Week to wider audiences by covering the costs of our small team.
More information here.

Take part at home, at work, on campus…

You can organize The Week with friends at home. Or with colleagues in your workplace. Or at school. Or within your congregation or with your spiritual group.
The films are the same, but we’ve adapted the questions we suggest to kick-start the conversations in your group after each episode. And we offer some specific tips for organizing a session, depending on the context.
Let’s go!

At home, at work, on campus… FR

You can organize The Week with friends at home. Or with colleagues in your workplace. Or at school. Or within your congregation or your spiritual group.
The films are the same, but we’ve adapted the questions we suggest to kick-start the conversations in your group after each episode. And we offer some specific tips for organizing a session, depending on the context.
Let’s go!


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After seeing The Week the first time, we organized another session with 25 people. And we are already planning a second one with neighbors. In "The Week", there is so much respect for everyone. In our group, where people were at very different stages of awareness, everyone appreciated the experience, because they felt respected...
Angers, France
This experience has been incredible for me and my friends and we are already full of ideas and plans as to what comes next. The content and above all the discussion and togetherness have made it very powerful.
Barcelona, Spain
I felt much more connected to the possibility of making a difference than I ever have. Selecting ways to effect change that bring me joy is a new way of looking at climate for me.
Lexington MA, United States
The conversations after the films were a real joy: to be able to address the topic with my family, across generations, to discuss what each one of us can do through our work. (...) Thank you for making this possible within my family.
Bruxelles, Belgium
There is no guilt, and instead it’s full of concrete actions we can take and that can be joyful!!! It’s the first time I feel optimistic after watching a climate movie.
London, United Kingdom
I wanted to reach out because I feel that what you are doing with The Week is such a crucial tool and approach to give us the best chance of dealing with the mayhem, and to do that with joy and compassion.
Bath, United Kingdom
Through the full process, my friend and I laughed, cried, cheered out loud, hugged, had goosebumps, had to pause the video because we couldn’t wait until the end to talk about what we were feeling…
United Kingdom
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Have you experienced The Week already?

You can click the button below to access the resources we mentioned in the films: the film notes, the list with ideas of actions, a number of interesting initiatives to continue the journey, and more…
Go to the resources
planet earth

For now, focusing on two continents but available for everyone

We focus on the US, UK, France and Germany

In the films, we focus on the US,UK, France, And Germany, because that’s where we’re from! And it’s not a bad place to start, when you realize that Europe and the US have contributed a lot to the problems we’re trying to solve, but also have a lot of the resources we need to solve them.

Other parts of the world - like Africa, Asia, Autralia-Oceania, or Latin America - are already being affected by the climate much harder and faster, but we didn’t feel legitimate to talk about - or on behalf of - places where we don’t have much lived experience.

The Week exists natively in English and French. Subtitles are available in Spanish, German, Dutch, Swedish, Danish, Portuguese, Italian, Polish and Basque.
The Week exists natively in English and in French. But you can also organize in other languages, as the English films come with the subtitles listed above (as well as English and French for the hearing impaired.) Just register here on the English-language website, and then choose the subtitles you're interested in when you launch the films with your group. 
country flags

Who we are

We are a bunch of friends and colleagues who, each in our own way, came to see that facing environmental and climate breakdown is likely to become the defining adventure for humanity in the next 10 or 20  years. Our kids will ask us: what did you know and what did you do? We want to be able to tell them: we knew what was happening and we were among those that turned things around.
The idea for The Week started with a couple, Helene and Frederic, when they invited friends to meet 3 evenings in a row to dive deeply into this topic. It struck a chord and quickly grew into something bigger, with many volunteers, a small full-time team, and thousands of people across the world who’ve been through this experience.


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This is some text inside of a div block.
This is some text inside of a div block.
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After seeing The Week the first time, we organized another session with 25 people. And we are already planning a second one with neighbors. In "The Week", there is so much respect for everyone. In our group, where people were at very different stages of awareness, everyone appreciated the experience, because they felt respected...
Angers, France
This experience has been incredible for me and my friends and we are already full of ideas and plans as to what comes next. The content and above all the discussion and togetherness have made it very powerful.
Barcelona, Spain
I felt much more connected to the possibility of making a difference than I ever have. Selecting ways to effect change that bring me joy is a new way of looking at climate for me.
Lexington MA, United States
The conversations after the films were a real joy: to be able to address the topic with my family, across generations, to discuss what each one of us can do through our work. (...) Thank you for making this possible within my family.
Bruxelles, Belgium
There is no guilt, and instead it’s full of concrete actions we can take and that can be joyful!!! It’s the first time I feel optimistic after watching a climate movie.
London, United Kingdom
I wanted to reach out because I feel that what you are doing with The Week is such a crucial tool and approach to give us the best chance of dealing with the mayhem, and to do that with joy and compassion.
Bath, United Kingdom
Through the full process, my friend and I laughed, cried, cheered out loud, hugged, had goosebumps, had to pause the video because we couldn’t wait until the end to talk about what we were feeling…
United Kingdom